Thursday, April 30, 2015

Latest info: 有客户问:你都没有去过金边你也敢买?很多钱啊?

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2014-11-20 启翔 MySgProp


有客户问:你都没有去过金边你也敢买 (“The Bridge“)?很多钱啊?

我不多钱啊,我想正在看这贴的人,应该至少有80%的人“银行里”是比我多现金的。。。我说过很多次:投资房地产,除了眼光/资金/负担能力,还有最最最重要的是– 勇气!不然您永远都是在看以前的数据,网上聊天,尝试分析以后的市场。。。一直这样重复着,永远踏不出这一步。然后老了才跟孩子说。。。早知道什么什么。。。$%%!$^%&


1. 新加坡Oxley + 香格里拉酒店:人家的研究肯定要比我多花几年的功夫,他们才决定进入金边。我倒不用跟谁交代,但他们必须跟股东交代!

2. 价格:The Bridge还是要比隔壁那栋叫巴里岛水岸项目的来得便宜。这个什么巴里岛水岸的,长得有点像新加坡政府组屋,可是在台湾卖得很火,主要就是只有这个楼盘在那里有广告,设计师是台湾的。

3. 地点:会跟我买这楼盘的客户,都是熟悉金边或在那里做生意的人。他们就说“地点超好,值得投资”。所以这个楼盘,其实反过来是我被客户说服去买的。哈哈~

4. 最豪华公寓,也是当地最高建筑:柬埔寨金边至今没有一个像样的公寓。为明年东协启动,已经有不少商家,银行,酒店等大型企业入驻金边。这些被派过去的外籍人士或我们统称为expat,需要的是一个像样的家。

5. 沿岸优势:这个位置沿岸,这里是红毛人主要积聚地,所以我预测这条河岸边会有越来越多的小酒吧bistro等沿岸而建。我期望会变成像新加坡的克拉码头,或上海的滨江大道。

6. 买房费用: 建好后就一个4%的印花税,律师公证费新币50.还有什么地方可以比较?以后卖房也没有capital gain tax产业盈利税。在SOHO之前推出的第一大楼是住宅单位(1房,2房&3房)已经有人在做转售了(flipping)。第一大楼剩下几个单位,我们已经停止销售。现在只有SOHO(第二大楼)在售。

7. 租金:请不要想着租给当地人,这个楼盘是一般当地人无法负担的,租客对象只是外国人。你自己租的话,那里的回报率在10%~15%。但我选择开发商的首3年,每年6%租金保证配套,就是想省事而已。我以前也说过,投资房地产,最大的魅力其实在于房地产的增值潜能,租金就当它是个bonus就好。看开点。



怎么办? 我是打算到时看差多少,不多的话就跟银行借个人贷款(personal loan),一家银行可以借差不多您薪水的4到6倍。另一外个选择就是把我手上马来西亚/新加坡的房子做refinance,这样不就解决了高利息的顾虑了吗?

记得,银行的钱要好好利用才好!报税不要吝啬,为了一个月省交几块钱的income tax就少报。。。你一个月少报1千那你的贷款额度基本上就少200K。200K很好用的!!


《MySgProp 原创,11/20/2014》


Latest info: 2014年11月:海外房地产投资精选楼盘

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最近好楼盘太多了。。。突然我感觉钱不够用。。。 T_T





公寓售价从新币18万起,这个楼盘是30年年限的,可延长。可选自用或让发展商帮你出租,租金40:60分。这个我看到大多的新加坡卖家是一些喜欢到普吉岛旅游或打高球的人。首付:20% (根据工程进度直到50%),贷款:发展商有自己的贷款配套,最高50%,利息3~7%不等





曼谷最近最大新闻莫过于Super Tower,世界第3高的建筑。最靠近的楼盘就是IDEO Mobi Rama 9。现在位于Asoke的泰国股票交易所也会迁移到这里来,这里是最新的未来CBD。就像以前KLCC一样,在吉隆坡的朋友应该也见证了KLCC从以前的suburb摇身一变成最贵的黄金地段。IDEO Mobi Rama 9续上两个星期Super Tower新闻在泰国见报后,从原本的剩下50多间到现在最后12间,1房剩下两间,都是有阁楼的,价格从S$268K起。2房的从S$300K起。今天11/3/2014,Super Tower新闻终于也在新加坡见报了!





曼城是续伦敦后英国第二大经济体,现在正以飞快的发展速度前进着,未来高速竣工后一个小时可达伦敦市区。曼城也是英国最多外国学生的一个城市。这里的房地产价格却是伦敦市区的20~30%左右,未来的上升空间可期。这个楼盘有好多Huttons的中介有买。1房售价大约15万英镑,首付10% (半年后再10%)。贷款:英国银行,最高70%。





这几个当中,我想柬埔寨金边的楼盘是需要最少资金的。SOHO上个礼拜开卖了,价格只需要USD107 K起。

我不知道你有没有去过柬埔寨金边,如果你熟悉那里,那你应该会有兴趣。这个是新加坡发展商Oxley的项目,我的客户都是一些在那里有生意或熟悉那边的人。楼盘周围都是各国的大使馆,Naga World赌场,还有上个礼拜报章上也有报道香格里拉酒店也确定在这楼盘的对面建5星级酒店。如果需要新闻参考让我知道哦。首付:10% (每半年10%直到50%),贷款:通过新加坡Maybank贷款,最高50%。





市中心豪华公寓- 维多利亚1号地点绝佳,75楼高是市中心最高的纯住宅项目,墨尔本大学600米,墨尔本皇家理工学院 200米。1房卖完了,2房还有几间,都很高楼价格在A$585K左右。首付:10% ,贷款:通过新加坡UOB/OCBC或澳洲银行贷款,最高70%。



原创:mysgprop, 11/03/2014

Best regard,

MySgProp – CS Tee 启翔

Associate Marketing Director

Huttons Asia Pte Ltd

Mobile: +(65) 84188689

Email :



Monday, April 27, 2015

Latest info: 新加坡私宅价格2014年第三季持续下滑

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新闻参考Following Link For Original News:Private property prices continue to drop in Q3.



不知道大家有没有注意到前两天NUS主导的SPRI(Singapore Residential Price Index)也发布了最新的报告,报告指上个月私宅转售价也终于止血了,月比月价格保持不变。



1. 公司基本财务(fundamental):这类人每个季度会读公司财务报告,比如PE看公司盈利vs股价,ROE公司实际价值等做分析而进行对一个股票的评级和买卖的决定。

2. 图表技术分析:这类人用股市市场的指标市,比如RSI超买超卖,MACD平均移动线等等来决定进场的时刻。基本上这类人的决定是由市场来左右。


我是哪一类型??哈,我是综合型!我一般会先分析公司的fundamental,锁定目标,再来用图标决定进场的时刻!有兴趣图表分析的可以下载ChartNexus, 免费的,可以看到各国的股市走势。但不是real-time的。









原创:By MySgProp, 02-Oct.2014


Latest info: 2014年房价:墨尔本 vs 悉尼

Check it Out:



















房子空置率的话,悉尼平均是2.1%左右,墨尔本平均3.4%。(墨尔本市中心2.6%,而最受当地人喜爱的东部East Melbourne则是1.5%左右)










原创:by MySgProp, 01-Oct-2014


2014年房价:墨尔本 vs 悉尼

Latest info: 2014年上半年,世界12大城市房价温度计

Check it Out:


Article: S’pore is 6th costliest for home, office rents.





1. 大涨的时候:“太高了,有泡沫!”

2. 跌的时候:“嗯,一定还会继续跌!再等等!”

3. 又涨的时候:“只是回光返照,垂死挣扎而已!一下就会跌了!“





by MySgProp on 26/09/2014


Latest info: Good property consultants do not trade

Check it Out:


Article:Good property consultants do not trade.

Haha… interesting talk (to me is a Bullshit talk) by Knight Frank’s CEO!!

He said: “Good property consultants do not trade”


I say, the main source of income for property agent not necessary comes from selling property to clients and earning the peanut’s like commission. We, believe in property investment! The returns from our property investment is the main income source for us. That’s how a good property consultant can still survive regardless of the market is GOOD or BAD.

We make use of our knowledge, provide professional advice to friends &clients for their final/ wise decision in property investments to growth their wealth! The happiest moments for property consultants is when clients come back and thanks us for our advice, regardless it is a buy or not buy decisions.


He also said:“Whatever property you buy, just make sure that there is a pool of similar-minded people, so that if you change your mind, you can offload it,”


I say, if Jack Ma(马云) is like his thinking, today there is not “”!

So far, I think all my purchase of properties were facing a lot of objections from friends and families. ^_^ But I convinced myself with my own study and analysis, you can’t expect everyone around you to agree with your decision, but you need to have your own stand with justification.

Same as stock investment, I rather to be 等风的人 instead 追风的人。:)


Knight Frank Singapore… I wonder how far you can go under Mr. Tan. ^^

by MySgProp, on 09/23/2014

Good property consultants do not trade

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Latest info: Singapore Tops Asia in Global Real-Estate

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Singapore Tops Asia in Global Real-Estate Deals



马来西亚人普遍就是不敢涉足国际房地产… 就只是敢买马来西亚的。可是很多又接受不了近年来房价的飞涨,对自己国家没有信心。就这样一年过一年,一年比一年穷… 然后就怪我们政府的错bla bla bla,你看新加坡政府怎样怎样的… 

其实大家也有眼睛看,新加坡这里到处可以看到六七十岁的老人家还需要为生活工作赚钱。深入想想你就知道,政府的角色在你人生中其实起不了多大关系,你- 才是自己生命的主宰者!

Singapore Tops Asia in Global Real-Estate

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Latest info: 英国购买和持有房屋要交哪些费用?

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我们常常羡慕英国的城市干净整洁,安全方便,到处是景观绿地和湖泊水体。要知道这些城市维护费用,大部分都来自于房屋居住人缴纳的地方政府市政税Council Tax。另外英国也像中国一样,每个楼盘还有物业费Service Fee,公寓型楼宇物业费非常高,别墅类的低层住宅则相对少一些。




•   49万英镑的伦敦2居室新公寓

•   夫妇两人联名购买

•   使用面积700平方英尺(63.6平方米)

•   不做按揭贷款,全部现金支付

•   购买之后,请中介公司租赁和管理


– 房款 – 490,000英镑

– 土地登记注册费 – 270英镑

– 土地登记印花税 – 14,700英镑(房价的3%)

– 律师费 – 约2000英镑 (含环境、污水、安全等调查费)

– 验房费 – 约500英镑

– 杂费 – 约500英镑







– 地租费用350-450英镑/年,根据物业户型差异而不同;

– 伦敦小区物业费(Service Fee)3.0 -3.7英镑/平方英尺/年,700平方英尺就是2100至2590英镑;

– 中介招租费10%,地产管理服务费用6-7%;约4000镑;

– 个人所得税:免税额1万英镑,扣除以上和折旧费10%,夫妻联名,收入不超过免税额,不用交个税。



– 地方政府税(Council Tax), 评估房屋等同1991年价值多少,再按级别交纳。2014年购买的49万英镑公寓,折合到1991年,应当在16万英镑以内。地方税1848.76英镑;

– 水、电、气、宽带、收视费等,一年约1800英镑。



– 地租费用350-450英镑/年;

– 伦敦小区物业费(Service Fee)2100至2590英镑;

– 地方政府税(Council Tax)1848.76英镑;

– 公共区域集中供暖费 200-300英镑。






1. 英国为什么用2014 to 2015年表示2014财政年?

英国收取费用是按财政年计算,“2014 to 2015”是指2014财政年,从2014年4月1日至2015年3月31日,与中国用自然年收取各种费用不同。


 2. 按揭贷款利率如何?

•   最高贷款额:70%

•   贷款最高年限:30年

•   英国银行有各自的贷款利息,用各种优惠套餐吸引贷款者。平均下来,房产贷款利息远低于国内,目前利率浮动范围在3.7%-4.1%之间。

•   英馨屋可以协助买家联络相关金融机构,申请最适合的贷款计划。贷款审批流程大约需要一到两个月。

 3. 二手房还要多交哪些费用?

•   房屋评估费 – 约2,000英镑 (银行需要,必须做)

•   房屋质量调查费 – 约2,000镑(可选择项目)


 4. 土地登记注册费 Land Registry如何按照房屋价格缴纳?

房屋购买价格 (英镑)                        费用(英镑)

0 – 50,000                                         40

50,001 – 80,000                                   70

80,001 – 100,000                                  120

100,001 – 200,000                                 190

200,001 – 500,000                                 270

500,001 – 1,000,000                               540

1,000,001 and over                                 910


5. 土地登记印花税 Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT)如何缴纳?

个人购买:   12.5万英镑以内房价收取               0%

             12.5万 – 25万英镑                    1%

             25万 – 50万英镑                      3%

             50万 – 100万英镑                     4%

             100万 – 200万英镑                    5%

            超过200万英镑                         7%

公司购买:   低于50万英镑(个人购买比例相同)     0 – 5%

            等于及超过50万英镑                    15%


6. 每年地方政府税(Council Tax)是多少?


当你购房之后,地方政府会给你一个通知,告知你房价额定到1991年是什么级别,地方 税多少。比如房价49万英镑,相当于1991年的14万英镑,基本是3.5倍的关系。在2014财政年,你需要交税1848.76英镑给伦敦的格林威治地方政府。

Valuation band


2014 to 2015




A – Up to £40,000



B – £40,001 to £52,000



C – £52,001 to £68,000



D – £68,001 to £88,000



E – £88,001 to £120,000



F – £120,001 to £160,000



G – £160,001 to £320,000



H – Over £320,000



 7. 伦敦公寓小区物业管理费:

小区物业管理费(Service Fee)是由各个小区管理公司自己确定,伦敦高于其他地区和城市,公寓楼盘又高于别墅楼盘。物业费按照使用面积计算。比如,伦敦的某公寓社区是每年每平方英尺3英镑。使用面积664平方英尺(61.7平米)的两居室每年是1992英镑。



8. 每个月的水电等市政费用


           煤气 –  40英镑每月(平均数)

            电 -  45英镑每月(平均数)

            水 -  25英镑每月(平均数)

           互联网(ADSL) -  12英镑每月

            电话 -  30英镑每月(平均数)

            电视执照 -  11英镑(130英镑一年)

           卫星/有线电视 -  15英镑每月(套餐)


9. 个税起征点和税率


免税额 Personal Allowance£1 – £10,0000%
基本比率 Basic rate£10,000 – £41,86520%
较高比率 Higher rate£41,866 – £150,00040%
特别比率 Additional rateOver £150,00045%


Latest info: 英国房产购买指南

Check it Out:


1. 英国对外国人买房是否存在限制?

英国对外国人买房整体上持鼓励态度,在购买和持有环节没有专门针对外国人的限制/税项,而在出售环节,甚至还可免交盈利税(Capital Gain Tax)。

2. 我不用去英国就可以完成购房吗?




4. 英国政府征收物业税吗?

英国政府不对房产征收物业税,但政府会向房子的住户(如房屋在出租,则由租客承担;如空置或自住则由业主承担)征收市政税(Council Tax),税费大约为房价的1%。因此,对于买房用于出租的投资来说,除了短暂的空置期外,无需负担市政税。

5. 租金收入需要缴纳个人所得税吗?





7. 英国买房以后能移民吗?




9. 谁来替我打理英国房产的出租事宜?







Latest info: Singapore Vacancy Rate Rose to 7.1% (August, 2014)

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Aug 25, 2014

The number of vacant private homes in Singapore is steadily rising, climbing 10.3 percent to 21,268 units in Q2 2014 from 19,284 units in the previous quarter, revealed a Savills report.

Notably, the vacancy rate rose to 7.1 percent from 6.6 percent in Q1.

The greater number of empty units on the market comes despite strong leasing demand in Q2, with rental deals reaching a record 15,053 transactions, or a 12.2 percent increase from the quarter before.

According to Savills, the increasing stock of housing units is a contributing factor.

“At the end of Q2 2014, there were 297,998 available private homes across the island, an increase of 1.6 percent from the 293,283 units at the end of March,” the report said.

Most came from completed suburban condominium projects such as The Lakefront Residences on Lakeside Drive (629 units), Foresque Residences on Petir Road (496 units), Waterfront Gold on Bedok Reservoir Road (361 units) and The Greenwich on Seletar Road (319 units).

The central region also saw the completion of several developments, including Silversea on Marine Parade Road (383 units), Sophia Residences on Sophia Road (272 units) and Cyan on Keng Chin Road (278 units).

Looking ahead, Savills forecasts the island-wide vacancy rate will increase further with the impending new supply.

“Some 8,066 new private residential units are expected to be completed by the end of 2014. This could possibly drive the island-wide vacancy rate up to double digits before the year ends,” concluded the consultancy.

Photo by Nikki De Guzman


Article from


(SG)随着越来越多的新房子竣工,新加坡房子空置率不断上升。最新数据显示- 新加坡空置率达7.1%!那比起我看过的墨尔本市2.3%的空置率,这个数目相对大了很多。

现在在新加坡买房的(强调一下,我说的是住宅),都是有特定的needs。。。比如自住,升级,为孩子求学,养老。。。等 ,当然可能也包括洗黑钱,呵呵~ 在这个乘市场低迷的时候,买家纷纷进场分一杯羹,了结心头大石。但是投资的角度来看,短期回报率(5年)却远远不及其它国家。那你要买新加坡的来投资的话,你就要做好最好资金充足能 hold 5年的打算。


Singapore Vacancy Rate Rose to 7.1% (August, 2014)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Latest info: Eye on Yishun: Star of the north

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Eye on Yishun: Star of the north

Aug 25, 2014

Although Yishun was established more than 30 years ago, the northern town is not showing any signs of ageing, asMuneerah Bee finds out.

In earlier days, Yishun was home to various pepper and pineapple plantations. Named after industrialist and rubber magnate Lim Nee Soon, Yishun became one of the HDB towns to be developed in the 1980s as part of a project called the Yishun New Town Project.

The project was initially allocated 907 hectares of land for public housing and industrial development, but the land area was subsequently increased to over 919 hectares. After resettling the villages that once dotted the area, construction work for Yishun began in 1977.

About ten years later, the Yishun Bus Interchange officially opened in August 1987. Later in 1996, the government announced plans to upgrade facilities in the town to include better hawker stalls, shopping precincts and parking lots. In the same year, the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) announced plans to sell land in Yishun New Town to build low and medium-rise private houses.

Needless to say, the area has since undergone many transformations, starting with the town centre. More recently, Yishun was selected as one of three pilot towns to be rejuvenated under HDB’s Remaking Our Heartland (ROH) plan which was launched in 2007. By 2013, many of the plans drawn up under the programme for Yishun were completed, injecting exuberance and excitement into the “middle-aged” town.

The URA Master Plan 2014 revealed further improvements for Yishun. Over the next five years, the area will be reinvigorated with new malls, hawker centres and cycling paths. The transport infrastructure will also be enhanced for residents. The Master Plan highlighted new Three-Generation (3 Gen) flats in Yishun which cater to multi-generational families living together. The flats have been designed to be elderly and wheelchair-friendly, with layouts meant to optimise living space.

“Yishun has transformed into a thriving community and has witnessed the launch of numerous new private condominiums, ECs, as well as Build-to-Order (BTO) flats, ever since the Remaking Our Heartland initiative was announced by the government. In addition, the Government is set to support a boost in residential units, private and public by another 18,000 homes, making it one of the most populated towns in Singapore,” Elson Poo, General Manager of Marketing and Sales at Frasers Centrepoint Limited (FCL) said.

Residents there can look forward to Northpoint City, a new commercial and residential development by FCL in the heart of Yishun which will feature the first Community Club in a shopping mall. Connected to an air-conditioned Integrated Transport Hub (ITH), and conveniently opposite the Yishun MRT station, residents can also enjoy seamless connectivity within the Yishun vicinity and to other regions of Singapore.

Slated to be the largest mall in northern Singapore, Northpoint City offers over 500 retail and dining options, with more than double the current retail stores at Northpoint Shopping Centre.


Residents at North Park Residences will get to enjoy the lifestyle choices and great convenience that Northpoint City offers.


It will also include a residential project, North Park Residences, consisting of 12 blocks of 10-storey private residences. Offering units of various configurations from studio apartments to five-bedders, the 920-unit condominium will be ready for launch next year. “Coupled with our 22-year track record in Yishun, we are familiar with the needs of the community and will be able to offer homes which are innovative and exceed the expectations of the buyers,” Poo said.

Lush greenery and nature

“What is unique to Yishun is the availability of the great outdoors. Residents can enjoy easy access to Seletar Reservoir, Yishun Park and many green spaces and neighbourhood parks which are connected with the expansion of the park connector network,” he added.

Indeed, Yishun boasts much foliage and nature.

The Yishun Pond, for example, was rejuvenated under PUB’s Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters (ABC Waters) programme and was completed in 2011. Located beside Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, it features a marshland and floating wetlands and lakeside promenade.

Designed to be Yishun’s iconic landmark is a three-storey lookout tower ‘The Spiral @ Yishun’ set amidst the lush landscaping of Yishun Pond. It has a 94-metre winding ramp leading to a viewing deck with a panoramic view of Yishun Town Centre.

The 17ha and pentagon-shaped Yishun Park also houses the first Dipterocarp Arboretum in Singapore, and the garden was officially opened in July 2008.

Visitors can also try out the Canopy Walk at Yishun Park, managed by SAFRA, where they can attempt aerial obstacles five metres from the ground.

The famous Bottle Tree Park at Lorong Chencharu will also be improved and is expected to ready by year-end. Recreational and sports facilities are also available at SAFRA Yishun and Orchid Country Club.

More to come

Yishun offers a comprehensive suite of amenities and services for all ages and is often described as a family-oriented town.

To supplement the existing Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, the Yishun Community Hospital is currently being constructed right next to it. Under the URA Master Plan 2014, new nursing homes along Yishun Central and Yishun Ring Road will be available to meet the needs of elderly residents. Additionally, a new hawker centre next to Yishun Park will provide more eating places for residents.

Additional transport infrastructure will also be built, including the new North-South Expressway which will reduce travelling time to the city centre, and the new Thomson-East Coast Line.

Given its attractive transformation plans, FCL is confident of Yishun’s growth potential.

“Yishun is located in close proximity between two primary regional centres; Woodlands Regional Centre and the future Seletar Regional Centre, as well as the North Coast Innovation Corridor. These primary centres offer bountiful employment opportunities, which in turn translate into potential for strong capital appreciation and rental growth for the residential market in Yishun,” Poo said.

Residents of Yishun will also benefit from employment opportunities closer to home at the industrial estates along Yishun Avenue 6 and Gambas Avenue.

Additionally, the GEMS World Academy, an international school, is currently under construction at the junction between Yishun Avenue 1 and 6. Further along Yishun Avenue 1 near Miltonia Close, two private developments, The Miltonia Residences and Skies Miltonia are expected to be completed in 2015 and 2016 respectively.

Even though Yishun may be approaching middle age status in terms of Singapore’s housing history, it seems like its best years are yet to come as the star of the north continues to shine with much vibrancy.


Article from


(SG) Yishun’s Transformation Plan is under spotlights now… ^_^ What to expect more in Yishun in upcoming years?

1. The largest mall in northern Singapore, Northpoint City.

2. The new North-South Expressway which will reduce travelling time to the city centre, and the new Thomson-East Coast Line.

3. a new Yishun Community Hospital to supplement the existing Khoo Teck Puat Hospital

4. a new hawker centre next to Yishun Park

5. the GEMS World Academy, an international school

If you’re looking for new housing in Yishun, you can checkout the J9R:

Last few to go:

1+Study fr $736K (Last 5)

2bedroom fr $849K (Last 9)

2+Study fr $883K (Last 7)

3bedroom fr $1 mil (Last 10)

I stay in Yishun for more than 6 years till recently moved in to my own place. :) Yishun is really a self-sustain area, people who live there will like to stay there.

Showflat viewing by appointment, call/ sms 8418 8689 for more info or appointment.

Eye on Yishun: Star of the north

Latest info: Melbourne continues to be world's most liveable city

Check it Out:

Aug 20, 2014


澳洲墨尔本继续成为2014本年度的 “世界最宜居住城市” Most Liveable City; 新加坡则跌出10大排行榜。:) 如果还没去过墨尔本的,有机会去看看吧!你也会爱上它的。。。

全文: Melbourne continues to be world’s most liveable city:


谁愿意和我一起向世界房地产投资的路前进? ^_^

马来西亚,澳洲,新加坡。。。我下个目标是。。。最好UK/ USA,再来是泰国/ 菲律宾/ 越南。 一步一脚印,投资除了要你有点胆量,市场分析/手续的事情可以交给我,最后你要做的就是– 量力而为!


MySgProp 原创,29/08/2014

Melbourne continues to be world's most liveable city

Latest info: Highline Residences @Tiong Bahru

Check it Out:


2 minutes walk to Tiong Bahru MRT.

  • Luxurious Living at District 03 Prime Location

  • By Reputable Developer: Keppel Land

  • Excellent Amenities and Transportation Link

  • Top quality in layout, fittings, and finishing

Checkout the details and pricing NOW!


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Highline Residences @Tiong Bahru (District 03), Singapore

Rare New Luxury Condo Next to Tiong Bahru MRT





Project Name Highline Residences
Developer Name Harvestland Development Pte Ltd (Keppel Land)
Location Kim Tian Road, Singapore (District 03)
Tenure of Land 99-year leasehold
Expected Date of Completion (T.O.P.) 2018/2019
Site areaApproximately 10,990.6 sqm
Total No. of Units2 Blocks of 36 Storeys, 1 Block of 21 Storeys, 4 Blocks of 4 Storeys with Sky TerracesTotal Units: 500
 Car Park Lots 409 – Surface parking: 13 lots, basement parking: 391 lots with 5 handicapped lots

Highline-Residences-FacacdeHighline Residences is located within the matured Tiong Bahru estate, along the Kim Tian Road. Right at the city fringe, the amenities and transportation links are superb! The Tiong Bahru MRT station is only merely 2 minutes short walking distance (200 metres). On top of this, good news to the natural/ outdoor activities lovers, the Highline Residences is also in close proximity to a few natural parks like Mount Faber Park, Fort Canning Park, and  Telok Blangah Hill Park.  With the easy access of major expressways from the site, travelling a few minutes will bring you to Orchard Shopping Belt, Central Business District (CBD), and a lot of tourist attractions places like Clarke Quay, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Flyer, Southern Ridges, Esplanade, and Sentosa.  If you’re a parents who concern about your children’s education, there is many renowned schools near-by, including Gan Eng Seng Secondary, Zhangde Primary, Radin Mas Primary and CHIJ Saint Theresa’s Convent. The location of the project will be the key selling point. However the pricing could be a big problem for this development as the land price had hit the record high last year when developer acquired at S$1,162.86 in April, 2013. Hence, the expected launching price could be fall in between S$1,700 to S$2,000 psf. If the pricing is lower than this range, the project should able to sell by itself.  If you’re still doubt on the project, do checkout the following news on Highline Residences to have more neutral views/ insights.

Highline Residences on the news (Source: The Straits Times)


I am Interested!

About Developer’s Background

highline-developer-keppel-logo-1Keppel Land Limited is the part of the Keppel Group, one of Singapore’s largest multinational groups with key businesses in offshore and marine, infrastructure as well as property. Keppel Land is recognised for its sterling portfolio of award-winning residential developments and  commercial properties as well as high standards of corporate governance and transparency. The Company is geographically diversified in Asia, with Singapore and China as its core markets, and Vietnam and Indonesia as its growth markets.  The Group’s total assets amounted to about $13.2 billion as at 30 September 2013. The Company is committed to grow its commercial portfolio in key Asian cities. Its portfolio of overseas commercial properties include a Grade A office development in Beijing, Seasons City in the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City and a retail mall Life Hub @ Jinqiao in Shanghai, China, Saigon Centre in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam as well as International Financial Centre Jakarta in Indonesia. As a leading prime office developer in Singapore, Keppel Land contributes to enhancing the city’s skyline with landmark developments such as Reflections at Keppel Bay
Award winning development, Reflections at Keppel Bay is the brainchild of the highest developer in Asia, Keppel Land and famous architect, Daniel Libeskind. His first residential showcase in Asia, Reflections at Keppel Bay epitomises world class waterfront living both in the area and Singapore.

Marina Bay Financial Centre
Stage One consists of two office towers and high-end residences, Marina Bay Residences. Phase Two consists of Marina Bay Suites, the second high-end residential development and an office tower within MBFC. Both stages will be complemented by recreational and retail facilities and are scheduled for completion in 2010 and 2012. For  more information about the Keppel Bay, please visit keppel-track-record

Project Highlights


Why Highline Residences @Tiong Bahru?

  • Rare New Development in District 03, matured Tiong Bahru area

  • By Reputable Developer –  Keppel Land

  • Two minutes walking distance (200m) to Tiong Bahru MRT and future Havelock MRT stations

  • Short drive (5-10 mins) to Center Business District, Orchard Road Shopping Belt, Vivocity, Sentosa Island and Marina Bay Sand

  • Well-connected via public buses and major expressways 

  • Surrounded by various amenities and renowned schools

  • Close proximity to Natural Parks such as Tiong Bahru Park, Mount Faber and Henderson Waves Bridges

  • At the heart of three established neighborhoods (Queestown, Redhills, and Tiong Bahru)

  • Potential high rental demands in city fringe, matured residential estate

I am Interested!

Location Map

Highline Residences location is at Kim Tian Road, Tiong Bahru. The site is near two MRT stations namely Tiong Bahru and the upcoming Havelock station at Zion Road which is currently under construction. Highland-Residences-Location   Highline-tiong-bahru-nearby-amenities Highline-tiong-bahru-nearby-mrt Although the east side of the site is now “unblocked” with low-rise buildings. However, it is not guaranteed as we can seen from the URA master-plan. The master-plan shows that there is potential high-rise building at the east of the site. Highline Residences-URA map starred


  • EW17 Tiong Bahru MRT Station (0.38 km)

  • EW16 Outram Park MRT Station (1.02 km)

  • NE3 Outram Park MRT Station (1.11 km)


  • Zhangde Primary School (0.46 km)

  • Outram Secondary School (0.86 km)

  • Gan Eng Seng Secondary School (0.94 km)


Site/Floor Plan

Highline Residences-site picture


Highline-tiong-bahru-site-plan-facilities Highline-tiong-bahru-site-plan-facilities-lvl5

Floor Plan:

Unit Mixes


  • 1 Bedroom: 506sqft ~ 66 units

  • 2 Bedroom: 635 to 700sqft ~ 95 units

  • 2 Bedroom Deluxe: 667 to 743sqft ~ 43 units 

  • 3 Bedroom: 883 to 915sqft ~ 98 units

  • 3 Bedroom Deluxe: 1076 to 1152sqft ~ 127 units 

  • 3 Bedroom Dual Key: 1130 to 1206sqft ~ 24 units 

  • 4 Bedroom + Utility: 1292sqft ~ 33 units

  • 4 Bedroom Dual Key: 1227sqft ~ 08 units 

  • Penthouse: 2174 to 2206sqft ~ 06 units 


Price Guide/ Sales Package


Price Guide
1bd- Est $1mil to $1.2mil

2bd- Est $1.25mil to $1.6mil

3bd- Est $1.6mil to $2mil

3bd(deluxe)- Est $2mil to $2.5mil

4bd- Est $2.4mil to $2.8mil

3/4DK- Est $2.5mil to $2.6mil

PH- $5 mil

update: 14-Spet-2014

Early Bird Pricing still valid for limited period! Call now for showflat viewing at (+65)8418 8689Star Buy (Cheapest Available)

1br from $960K (mid floor)

2br from $1.14 mil (low floor)

3br from $1.46 mil (low floor)

4br from $2.2 mil (low floor)

Call now for showflat viewing at (+65)8418 8689

I am Interested!

Interior Design/ Gallery

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Latest info: Malaysia to Tax S'pore Cars Entering Johor

Check it Out:



随着新加坡政府说要提高马来西亚注册车辆的入境费,我们马来西亚也来(尤其那个建议的人好像小孩子闹脾气),说将向新加坡车辆征收入境费。所得收入部分将归柔佛州政府所有。谣言满天,新闻甚至说将征收马币一百的入境费 ==!



马来西亚:入境费马币一百我觉得不可能。如果真的马币一百,那么这是在断送Iskandar的前途。这个Iskandar Baby好不容易长大了,正在以高姿态吸金的时候,政府要是这样做只是在自打嘴巴,我们柔佛有史以来最有经商头脑的苏丹我想也不会笨,毕竟他在Iskandar的投资更是多到。。。什么大楼盘都有他的份酱。当然入境费也是他的收入,他必须在这里取得平衡点,确保不伤害Iskandar。


总结:起价是在所难免的了,每个人都逃不掉,但我想被影响“最大”的一群应该会是一些所谓“不相干”人士,也就是没有商业理由需要常常进出新马两地的人。而且针对的是偶尔开车过来消费的外国人,起价对这群人来说影响不大,因为– 又不是“每天”来的心态。


1. 运输/公交车

2. 有房地产在邻国的人。比如新加坡人在马来西亚置房。

3. 有生意/商业理由在邻国的人。这会不会包括普通的打工一族就不确定了,因为如果这群人每天开车进新加坡的车流量很大,那么新加坡会把这群人牵扯在内,高入境费就会间接鼓励大家share share一辆车进来,而不是一人一辆。




By MySgProp – CS Tee

18th July 2014



Malaysia to Tax S'pore Cars Entering Johor

Commercial Near Mustafa Center (Little India MRT) Latest info: The Citron @Farrer Park

Check it Out:


Residential SOLD OUT! ; Shops from $1.007 mil/ S$21xx psf


  • 2 minutes walk to MRT

  • Next to City Square Mall 

  • Huge Human Traffic

  • Affordable pricing at City Fringe

  • Vibrant 24-hours Shopping Belt!

Checkout the details and pricing NOW!


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The Citron (Mixed Dev.) @ Farrer Park, District 08, Singapore

Rare Freehold Mixed Development at the heart of Farrer Park/ Little India, Near Mustafa Centre and City Square Mall





Project Name The Citron Residences & The Citron
Developer Name Goodland Assets Pte Ltd (Wholly-owned by Goodland Group Limited)
Location 1 Marne Road Singapore 208380 (District 08)
Tenure of Land FREEHOLD (Foreigner Eligible)
Expected Date of Completion (T.O.P.)31 Dec 2019
Site area18,303.1 sqft
Total No. of UnitsPropose Erection of 6 Storey Residential Flat Development (Total 54 units) with 1st Storey Commercial Shops (Total 36 Units), Basement Carparks, Swimming Pool and Communal Facilities
 Car Park Lots62 car park lots including 2 handicap car park lots


citron-residencesThe Citron & Citron Residences is a rare FREEHOLD mixed development located at Marne Road near the Farrer Park MRT in District 08.

A haven of serenity and elevated consciousness in the heart of Singapore never-ending excitement. The Citron residences offer excellent accessibility to a world of lifestyle, dining and entertainment options for your taking. A mere stone’s throw away from Farrer Park MRT Station and City Square Mall and conveniently located 

Comprising of commercial and residential developments, The Citron Residences provides the residents the ultimate comfort living as all the amenities they need ranging from food to boutiques is right at the comfort of their houses. Both the resident and commercial are built with the state of art technology proving a lavish and stunning landscape that evokes the feel of peacefulness and calmness for the occupants.

The Citron Residences is situated close by several prestigious schools such as Farrer Park Primary School and Hong Wen Primary School. The future Specialist Medical Hub at Connexion and other notable medical facilities are also located within the vicinity. With huge potential rental demand from the  the medical hub, The Citron Residences will not only enjoy an advantageous position to command good rental yield but also capital growth potential.

I am Interested!

About Developer’s Background

The-Citron-developer-logoThe Goodland Group is a Singapore based premier lifestyle property developer specializing in residential developments. Goodland was in corporated in the Republic of Singapore in 1993 and is listed on the Singapore Exchange Catalist Board. Goodland caters to the needs of a wide spectrum of homeowners, with an established reputation for builing quality, signature, environment friendly developemtns.

Having a track record for decades, the developer has been providing Quality assets to its investors and home buyers. The developer backed the top quality mark (QM) good workmanship award. The developer is also ventures into developing the good class bungalows, with finest designs, and ease of surrounding. 

citron developer track record

Project Highlights


Why The Citron@Little India/ Farrer Park

  • Rare, Freehold Mixed Development in City Fringe

  • 5 mins walk to Farrer Park MRT/Little India MRT and Bendemeer Downtown line (upcoming MRT)

  • 8min drive to Orchard Road, MBS and Shenton Way

  • Well conntected to other parts of Singapore via major roads and expressways.

  • Near to Connexion – a state-of-the-art healthcare, hotel and retail complex.

  • Huge Human Traffic expected from Mustafa Center 24-hours shopping mall, Serangoon Plaze and City Square Mall.

  • Close proximity to renowned schools


I am Interested!

Location Map

The Citron Residences a mixed Residenctial and Commerical developement in city fringe District 08. It is well-connected via major road and expressways such as Central Expressway (CTE), East Coast Parkway (ECP) and Nicoll Highway.

Public transport is readily available along Jalan Besar and Lavender Street. Vehicle owners can take Central Expressway (CTE) and East Coast Parkway (ECP) to get to the business hub or shopping district in the city.



The Citron Residences is located at 1 Marne Road, next to the City Square Mall/ Farrer Park MRT Station. The Citron Singapore, give an ease of access to City Square Mall, medical facilities like Connexion, and also the greenery parks with rich culture setting.




  • Farrer Park (NE8) 0.57 km

  • Bendemeer MRT Downtown Line Due 2017


  • City Square Mall

  • Serangoon Plaza

  • Mustafa Centre




Site/Floor Plan




• Swimming Pool ( 30 m x 4.8 m x 1.2m)

• Children’s Pool ( 6.7 m x 5.8 m x 0.5m)

• Outdoor Fitness

• Decking

• Jacuzzi

• BBQ Area

• Gym

• Outdoor Seating







Unit Mixes

1 bdrm: 388 – 430 sqft = 8 units
2 bdrm: 646 – 829 sqft = 26 units
2 bdrm Dual Key: 721 – 732 sqft = 14 units
3 brdm: 818 – 1119 sqft = 6 units
Total = 54 units


431 – 657 sqft = 36 units


Price Guide/ Sales Package